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Crimson Thirst (The Huntress Bane Book 2) Page 11

  It’s a gamble for me to show up when the day is done, but the vampires have left me no choice. With the recent breach by Remus and his brood, Black Fields is running on borrowed time. Another attack, more powerful than the last, will be coming now that they have tested the city’s defenses, and won.

  Looking back, a part of me regrets stopping at that gas station, while the other half is satisfied that there is one less evil in this world. Despite what happens here, I’m glad that I could avenge those souls who suffered at the hands of that wretched family, and their demon father. May they rest in peace.

  The wastelands grow darker with every second that ticks by. It seems as though the vampires know I’m coming and are spurring the night to take over.

  The once torrid winds switch to a chilling bite that sends a slight shiver down my spine. The sweat saturating my skin and clothes amplifies the briskness of the air.

  I think this portion of the wastelands has a different climate than most. In most places that I have been, there is a slight reduction in the temperature when the sun goes down, but nothing quite like this. I guess for the demons, a cool environment is more appealing than that of a blistering hot climate. Not that it really matters seeing as how they only venture out after the sun has gone down.

  A thick haze looms over the area, blotting out any light that the moon may try to offer the vapid lands. The further I venture, the more my senses heighten. Razor sharp. Honed and attuned to any such noises or movements that I can spot in the dying of the light.

  Up ahead, Devil’s Fork emerges in all of its dark gloom. Clouds hang in the sky above like dull, gray, bloated pieces of cotton. Three massive rock formations jet up out of the ground as one, and reach for the abysmal sky above. It’s hard to tell what it was before the world imploded, and humanity dropped nuclear bombs on the earth to try and wipe out the demons.

  I reduce my rapid approach as I draw closer to the expansive formation. I switch on the lone headlight. The beam slices through the void of darkness swallowing the land.

  The illumination from the gauges present their gleam that washes over my face. Aside from the headlight, it’s the only other source of light I have within the darkness.

  My vigilant gaze scans over the area for any vampires or their thrall servants, but I spy no movement. It’s perfectly still. That can either be a good or bad thing. Guess we shall find out soon enough.

  I bring the motorcycle to a stop just shy of the immense formation. The engine is silenced, and with it, the light. My eyes adjust to the darkness, bringing forth any shapes and land formations that are masked within the void. Not as honed and focused as the vampires, but enough to allow me to spot any movement close by.

  I lift up off the bike, and wheel it toward a cluster of boulders near me. It’s positioned within a narrow opening that the shadows swallow whole. Hopefully, it’s presence won’t be detected.

  A deep sigh escapes my lips. I take a moment, and lay out my plan of attack here, which is vague at best. Since I’m unfamiliar with the area, and more so with this nest, I have no clue as to where I’m even going or the best way to approach this.

  I remove the pack from my shoulders. I need to reduce any liabilities that could allow any eager, clawed fingers to be able to snare my person. I unzip the top, and retrieve the water bottle. One last drink before I enter the unknown.

  The wetness of the water is refreshing. Still a tad tepid, but it does what is needed and quenches my thirst. I secure the bottle back inside, and place the pack with the motorcycle, hanging it over the handlebar by its strap.

  I reach down and retrieve the kukri from its sheath. Aside from my senses, this blade is the only other thing that I have that’s sharp enough to inflict damage. It has never let me down in a battle. I see this night not being any different. It will do what is needed to protect me. I have no doubts about that.

  The various creatures of the wastelands make their presence known. Cockroaches hiss. Crickets chirp. The rattle of the snake’s tail warns that it’s close by. The melody adds to the grim ambiance that this section of the wastelands has.

  I make my way around the base of Devil’s Fork in search for a way up the mound. I have no knowledge of how to gain entry to the vampire’s nest. I’m going to have to feel my way through this maze of busted rock and boulders to get inside.

  My head stays on a swivel, scanning in every direction for any demons who may be nearby. Although I was invited, that still doesn’t mean that I trust this vampire’s intentions. Not yet, anyway. They are deceivers by nature, and are experts at what they do.

  I search for a passage or a way up through the massive boulders that litter the base of the formation. My head lowers, and peers through each section that might offer a way through. Most are not wide enough to allow my frame to fit. I move on until I find a narrow pathway that weaves through the clumps of rock and up the face of the formation.

  The trail is covered in a veil of darkness and deep shadows that gives me pause. There are vast amounts of places that the demons could be lying in wait. I try to stay the uneasiness lingering in my gut.

  It’s a force of habit that has kept me alive all of these years. Although not perfect, it tends to keep me from slipping into too many tight jams. With people, you can account for a degree of error. The vampires, on the other hand, will make you pay for it with your life.

  Up the narrow path I trudge.



  Each step taken up the inclined slope is treacherous at best. The ground is uneven, and has fissures that snake over its surface. I’m cognizant to test the ground before I venture further to avoid twisting an ankle or something much worse.

  I take my time, and make sure I don’t have any mishaps along the way. The demons are probably not used to having humans just show up unannounced to their sanctuary. Not sure that I know of anyone besides me who is brazen enough to enter the devil’s den willingly.

  My head pivots from left to right. Each fissure and space that could house a body is scanned for any vampires that may be looming within the ether.

  The crunching of rocks under my boots plays in my ears. Each step brings me closer to the demon’s nest and tightens my nerves. The further along I move up the face of this expansive nest, the tighter my fingers clutch the kukri’s handle.

  I pause and glance back over my shoulder. The sky is nothing more than a vast blanket of darkness coating the wastelands. There is a subtle outline of rocks, but they all seem to blend together. The moon’s glow from up above would do wonders at this moment.

  The remainder up the rocky face of the formation is nothing short of a challenge that involves some climbing and carefully placed footing to keep me from making a wrong step. I hit a flat piece of rock that expands out in front of an opening. Beyond the jagged earth that surrounds my only way in, is a pit of darkness so black that it looks like it goes on forever. I’m able to get a general sense of the first few feet inside, but beyond that, nothing.

  The wind howls.

  The stinging bite of the crisp air tries to penetrate my clothes. My hair whips about, fluttering in the wind.

  There’s movement to my right.

  My head twists toward the sound of footsteps as my muscles grow taut. The kukri comes up in front of me in a defensive posture. The glowing red dots from the creatures gleam from the rocks. Not one, but multiple sets that just stare at me. The longer I look, and focus in on the blood-red dots, the more the ghastly silhouettes of the demons come to life.

  Oh shit.

  I spin on my heels, and spot more of the vampires crawling over the rocks. They close in, cutting off any retreat that crosses my mind.

  I stand firm and hold my ground. My head pivots from side to side, watching the demons crawling in the night. The kukri twirls in my hand as I prepare for a fight.

  They hold their position. I’ve lost count of my enemy. Their numbers have grown past a point where I can keep track of them.

nbsp; I’m trying to remain optimistic about this outcome, but it is looking more dire by the second. If I go down, I’m going to take as many of these motherfuckers with me as I can.

  “Huntress, you dare come to our sanctum,” a sultry female voice whispers inside my head. “Many have tried to come exact their vengeance. All have fallen just the same. You will be no different, slayer.”

  Before I allow my surging adrenaline to take over, I do myself the service of explaining my presence in their territory. It can only aid my current situation.

  “I’m not here to fight. I was invited,” I call out.

  Subtle hisses speak to me from the shadows. Their bodies twist, and move over the rocks effortlessly. Still, they don’t advance or display the hostility that I’m use to from the demons.

  The dense thud of something bulky hits the ground to my side. The sudden noise brings me about to face whatever is lurking behind me. An intense crimson gaze looks down at me. His hands are balled into fists as he towers over me.

  The kukri stays positioned in front of me as the two of us stare down one another.

  The creature remains planted in place. He’s tall and stout. I can see the outline of his chest pushing in and out. He presents his long, pointed fangs.

  “Slayer.” That single word is a long, drawn out hiss like a snake. He diverts his gaze over my shoulder to the other demons who are in my wake. He gives them a simple nod, which sends the creatures retreating within the melds of the rocks. He glances to his right, and nods again. The remaining vampires scurry away, disappearing from my sight.

  My head stays fixed on the vampire before me as I scan over the area. I spy no red eyes peering at me from the blackness of this starless, gloomy night.

  The demon takes a hefty step toward me, which stiffens my muscles that much more.

  My arm straightens out, the tip of the kukri pointed at his head. “I have taken many a vampire out just as big as you, so unless you want to lose your head, I suggest you back the fuck up.”

  He remains where he is. The tips of his fangs are visible from under his upper lip.

  “You don’t want to test me, big man. I can promise you that. Just summon your leader or whoever the hell it was that came to Black Fields and attacked Remus and his horde.”

  A scowl forms on the vampire’s shadowed face. His gaze narrows as his lips purse in disgust. I see now that at least we have that in common. He doesn’t seem to be a fan of Mathesis’s trusted right hand man, Remus.

  “Not a fan either, huh?” I openly ask.

  He huffs, then turns toward the hollow-looking opening within the rock wall. “Follow me.”

  He turns to the left, and heads inside the face of the formation. I remain guarded, cautious, taking small steps toward the black void before me. I lose sight of him at first, but a spark of light brings him and everything else to life.

  A torch with a flame whips to and fro. It dances in the chilly night air as it grows to a blossom of orange, yellow, and red mixed together. The face of the vampire comes into a color- filled view that highlights the few scars and gashes he has on his gray, pasty face.

  “This way. Victor is waiting for you.” He motions with his large, clawed hand for me to follow.


  Into the mouth of the devil’s den I go.

  I had promised myself long ago that I would never step foot in another vampire nest, unless I was there to exterminate the occupants. That could still happen, depending on how this goes.

  The passage we are walking through is narrow and long. It is full of winding twists and turns that confuse me to the point that I nearly lose track of the way we came. The sleeve of my coat snags on the jagged, coarse wall.

  The air is stale, and smells of death. The vampire’s familiar stench crinkles my nose. I fight the urge to attack and slay.

  My kukri is use to nothing less than tasting the blood of the undead demons, cleaving their pale, damp flesh from the bone. It almost feels wrong not doing so. Every encounter with a bloodsucker has ended with blood and bone being hacked or broken. I’m hoping that the decision I’ve made doesn’t bite me in the ass. Both figuratively and literally.

  Along the way, numerous other corridors branch off from this one, leading further into the depths of the earth. I can hear the vampires from all around inside my head, whispering subtly with their wicked tongues.

  Generally, the more advanced creatures can pierce my thoughts, unlike most of the underlings that I’m mostly guarded against. They seem more intrigued than ravenous toward my presence, which adds to the curiosity that is already brimming inside my head.

  The vampire leading me through the intricate network of tunnels, hangs a right and heads toward the bright glow of burning light ahead of us. This must be where Victor is.

  We enter the large, cavernous space. The demon steps to the side, allowing me to fully take in the size and scope of the expansive dwelling. I lower the kukri, but keep my fingers tightly wrapped around the handle of the blade.

  Torches are lit along the circular, rigid walls and line the periphery of the space. The ceiling expands for what seems like forever. Nothing more than a dark void that hovers above like a black hole.

  This is much different than what Mathesis has set up. I spy no young girls being held captive. No chains fixed to the walls for the vampires to shackle any human feedbags for them to drink from. There are no furnishings either. Not even a coffin or anything else that the demon would use to rest in. It’s weird and intriguing at the same time.

  A body drops from the ether above and lands on the rocky floor across the room. He doesn’t make a sound when his boots rest on the surface. He turns to the right and peers over at me. It’s the same vampire from Black Fields—Victor.

  “That will be all, Doru,” he says.

  The large vampire nods, then walks away out of the damp crypt. He offers me one last look before disappearing down the narrow corridor.

  I step away from the entrance, and move toward the right. The thought of having my back exposed to the opening brings an unsettling sensation tickling down my spine. The vampires are opportunistic, and I do not want to give them the chance to sneak up on me.

  “There’s no need to be alarmed, Amanda,” Victor calmly states. “I mean you no harm. You are safe here. No vampire will attack you.”

  I snicker at the comment. It isn’t intentional, but more of an involuntary reaction to a vampire making such an odd statement. This is a first.

  “Yeah, well, it has been my experience that trusting a vampire’s word will only get you one of two things. Dead or dead and turned. Neither of which is going to happen here, tonight.” My head instinctively twists back over my shoulder. I crane my neck, and peer down the dark corridor, expecting to spot a vampire or two creeping up through the shadows. There are none.

  He cups his hands behind his back. His tattered, long, black coat wraps around his slender body. The dancing flames from the torches gleam off his hairless head. Much like the brute that led me in here, multiple scars and other wounds are visible on Victor’s forehead and neck. It makes me wonder if he sustained those injuries from other battles with humans or from his own kind.

  “I see why Mathesis loves you. Over the many years that I have been walking this earth, there have only been a handful of times that I have witnessed such grit and defiance from your kind.” The glow of Victor’s intense gaze stays fixed on me. Oddly enough, they do not display any signs of aggression or deceit. They’re not narrowed, burning with the lust-filled rage that most of the demons generally exhibit. Again, something that I’m not used to seeing from the nightcrawlers.

  “Love is the wrong word to use,” I scoff, then correct. “It’s more of a perverted, twisted desire that sick bastard has to feed. There is no love there. That’s for sure.”

  “Oh, he does love you. Make no mistake about that. It’s just not the sort of love that you humans would equate to,” he responds.

  I move further away fr
om the corridor along the circular wall. Victor keeps his distance as he continues to idly walk about.

  “I imagine that sick fuck likes getting his fix on helpless girls that can’t defend themselves,” I bark in response. “Or perhaps since I’m no longer the fragile, helpless flower he can use and abuse at his whim, that thought of being powerless turns him on more. Who knows? What I do know, though, is that this fucking blade is going to taste that demon’s flesh once more. I can promise you that.”

  The broad blade draws Victor’s attention down to my side. A smirk slithers across his face. “It is much clearer now why Mathesis has found it difficult to wrangle you. I assure you, though, I want nothing more than to help you. We have more in common than you think.”

  I sigh, then shake my head. I don’t even try to hide it. The only thing that we have in common is killing vampires. Beyond that, there isn’t anything else that we could possibly share.

  “What do you want? More importantly, why are you killing your own kind?” I inquire. “Out of all the demons I have encountered, I have never seen any that have attacked and killed their own.” I blink, only for a split second, and he’s gone.

  The kukri is pulled from my hand before I even realize it. I look down to my empty palm to find it void of the blade. He’s standing next to me, examining the lengthy steel weapon.

  “What the hell?” I step back. My arms come up, fingers balled into fists as I prepare to fight.

  He’s quick. Faster than I thought he would be. Most of the demons I encounter are swift, but I can keep up with the creatures with relative ease. With this vampire, I’m not so sure how I’d fare in a fight. I could’ve bitten off more than I can chew here.

  “How many of my kind have you slain with this weapon? Given that you’re still alive, I imagine a great many.” He traces the razor-sharp edge with his thumb, drawing a line of blood from his blanched flesh. He brings his thumb up and licks the red fluid free from his skin.

  “Enough that one more added to the count wouldn’t make a shit of difference to me. Now give me back my fucking blade.”